[:en]On Tuesday, April 11th, 2017, three bombs exploded near to the team bus of the Borussia Dortmund soccer team. Fortunately, while the police describes the bombs as “professionally fabricated”, nobody[…]
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Articles on traditional horary astrology
[:en]On Tuesday, April 11th, 2017, three bombs exploded near to the team bus of the Borussia Dortmund soccer team. Fortunately, while the police describes the bombs as “professionally fabricated”, nobody[…]
Read on[:de]Dies ist wahrscheinlich eine der Fragen, die uns am meisten beschäftigen. Werde ich zu Geld kommen? Was kann ich tun, um Geld zu verdienen? Wie wir sehen werden, hat diese[…]
Read on[:en]This is Lilly’s second horary example on illness. The first can be found here. There are no previous comments or descriptions of the patient or his situation: Lilly directly analyses[…]
Read on[:en]This morning I was desperate. I had to prepare a consultation, pretty complex and elaborated, and did not find my glasses. As it’s becoming warm here in Italy, nature is[…]
Read on[:it]Confesso che domande orarie sugli animali perduti non mi fanno impazzire. Ma ho già perso diverse tigri domestiche e oggi, quando per tutta la mattinata non trovavo due dei miei[…]
Read onThis is Lilly’s chart example from p. 286. As we know, he became a doctor several years after having finished his Christian Astrology, so medicine was an important matter to[…]
Read on[:de] Zugegeben: Das Timing ist die schwierigste Technik in der Stundenastrologie. Man könnte bücherweise darüber schreiben. Aber manchmal geht es auch ganz einfach-wenn alle Planeten mitspielen. Hier ist ein kurzes,[…]
Read on[:en] In his 5th chapter (p. 238), Lilly explains how to look at charts regarding pregnancy and children. Modern astrologers often doubt that a horary might have long lasting validity.[…]
Read on[:de]Der Klient absolvierte seit einigen Jahren eine Online-Ausbildung, die ihm sehr gefiel und an der er hart arbeitete. In den vergangenen zwei Jahren hatte es aufgrund des gesundheitlichen Ausfalls der[…]
Read on[:de] Die Klientin, die Lilly wegen ihrem Sohn aufgesucht hatte,(Chartanalyse hier), stellte Lilly noch eine weitere Frage, die Lilly aus derselben Grafik beantwortet, dass er bereits für die erste Frage[…]
Read on[:en] Over the centuries, the English Parliament progressively limited the power of the English monarchy, which culminated in the English Civil Wars (1642-1651) mainly a conflict between the Royalist Cavaliers[…]
Read onDuring the English Civil War (1642-1651), a client came to Lilly’s office asking for news about his brother, who had left London several weeks ago in order to go into[…]
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