[:en]This is Lilly’s second horary example on illness. The first can be found here.
There are no previous comments or descriptions of the patient or his situation: Lilly directly analyses the chart, maybe because this was an occasional client he did not know well. What we do know, is, that the man came to Lilly, when he was already very ill, wanting to know if he would die.
Here is the chart:
Remember: The first house always describes the querent[1], while the 6th house describes his illness.[2]
In the first place, Lilly notices, that the first house in Virgo is afflicted by a malefic. Since this is a daytime chart, Mars is out of sect,[3] which makes him more negative. While it is true that the 8th house cusp is in Pisces, Lilly also observes, that the main part of this house falls in Aries, which is ruled by Mars.[4] This means, that Mars is the co-ruler of the 8th house. He is received in the 1st house, a very negative indication, since the reception is not mutual.[5]
Lilly says:
If …you find the Lord of the first joined to the Lord of the eights, unless the Lord of the eighth receives him, and so notwithstanding, as the Lord of the first receives not the Lord of the eighth, though he receives the Lord of the first, because if the Lord of the eighths receives the lord of the first, and the Lord of the first the Lord of the eighth, whether Fortune or Infortune, you may justly fear the querents’s death: but if the Lord of the eighth receives the Lord of the AC, so there be not mutual reception, it hinders not.
The cause of the illness is shown by the 6th house in Aquarius and its ruler Saturn. Aquarius is a fixed sign, describing a disease which is already rooted.
In Aquarius we also find the descending lunar node, which is considered malefic. Saturn is in Taurus, also a fixed sign, and, as the AC in Virgo, descriptive of melancholic distempers.[6]
The Moon is the co-significator of every question and in this chart, of the illness. She is in the AC and still in conjunction with Mars in an earth sign.
The strong earth signature (melancholy) and Saturn’s rulership of the 6th house make Lilly think of
- an afflicted spleen (ruled by Saturn) [7]
- wind colic (afflicted Virgo)[8]
- Indigestion/obstruction in the bowels or small guts (Mars in Virgo)[9]
- small fever[10]
- low pulse
Lilly also mentions, that his client suffered from headache and therefore of bad sleep due to the presence of Mars and Moon in the first house, which always signifies the head.[11]
As usual at Lilly’s times, he told his client what he saw and made him understand that the man would die soon. This gave his client the chance to settle his things.
Lilly’s reasons were:
- The Sun (sect light)[12], natural significator of life, is square Saturn, ruler of the fixed 6th house
- The AC is afflicted by the malefic out of sect (and thus particularly malefic), and partial ruler of the 8th
- The Moon is close to Cauda Leonis (Denebola) and afflicted by Mars
- The Moon has separated from a sextile to the AC ruler Mercury and both planets are in signs of long ascension, which makes makes the sextile rather a square aspect.[13]
- The Moon translates light from Mercury to Jupiter, ruler of the 8th
Lilly was right. The man died 12 days later, on July 28th.
At that time, Mercury, the AC ruler of the horary, has moved to the position of the Sun in the horary, and is thus combust. He had consumed (combustion) all of his life forces (1st house ruler Mercury). Transiting Mercury squares Saturn. We also see the transiting Moon in the 6th house, close to the south node, opposing the transiting Sun, which is in the 12th house of the horary.
[1]CA, p. 124
[2] Ca, p 131
[3] Sect refers to day and night. There are nighttime planets (Mars, Moon, Venus) and daytime planets (Sun, Jupiter, Saturn) Mercury can be both. His sect depends on whether he rises before or after the Sun. Every planets placed in its proper sect is said to be stronger.
[4] The house cusp is at 27°48’ Pisces, Jupiter rules thus only 2°12’ of that house, while Mars rules over 23°04’.
[5] Reception occurs when one planet receives the other planet in his domicile or exaltation and between both exists an aspect. The reception is said to be mutual, when both planets receive the other one in their respective domiciles. Reception can also be one-sided, describing the host planet to be more tolerant to the guest than the other way around. (See also Mash’allah on receptions).
[6] from Greek μελαγχολία – melancholia, “sadness”, literally black bile, also lugubriousness, from the Latin lugere, to mourn; moroseness, from the Latin morosus, self-willed, fastidious habit; wistfulness, from old English wist: intent, or saturnine, in contemporary usage, is a mood disorder of non-specific depression, characterized by low levels of both enthusiasm and eagerness for activity. (source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Melancholy)
[7] Culpeper, Judgement of Diseases from the sick, Astrology Classics, 2003 p. 81 (liber II, CH 11)
[8] CA, p. 246
[9] CA, p. 149
[10] Strong fever is typical for fire signs. In earth, the fever is rather suppressed
[11] CA, p.
[12] This is a daytime chart and the Sun is the luminary “in sect”. During the nigh.t, the luminary in sect is the Moon.
[13] CA, p. 181

Hi Tania,
Love this!! You have done a great job. I just wanted to add that, symbolically, the Horary Moon moves 12 degrees (ie 12 days) to meet the
opposition of the 8th house cusp at the time of death.
Lots of love,
yes, that’s correct, I’ve forgotten this point! thanks a lot!
Brilliant thanks Tania