[:en] This is a very interesting chart example about checking at a glance positive indications about one person’s whereabouts. The querent was worried about her partner. He lived abroad and[…]
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Articles on traditional horary astrology
[:it]Comprerà l’investitore arabo?[:]
[:it] Un’ azienda italiana era stata messa in vendita e il mio cliente aveva avuto l’incarico di trovare un acquirente. La proprietaria si era riservata la possibilità di trovare acquirenti[…]
Read on(Lilly 4) Will he ever become rich? When and how?
This is probably one of the most compelling questions of our days. Will I be rich? What can I do in order to make money? As we see, this question[…]
Read on[:it]Farò un altro figlio?[:]
[:it] La richiedente aveva da qualche tempo conosciuto un uomo, si erano fidanzati e stavano considerando di fare un figlio. Lei aveva già un figlio di 9 anni e non[…]
Read on(Lilly 2-2) Which event will happen to her next?
This is one of Lilly’s minor charts analysis. Short but sharp. A woman asks Lilly “about a thing suddenly happening, whether good or ill” ( p. 152) This question is[…]
Read on(Lilly 2-1) Will her son be at home?
Today, if we want to know if a certain person is at home, we just call her or send a whatsup. 400 years ago, things were quite more complicated. But[…]
Read on(Lilly1-4) Which future events do expect him and when?
In this post I will discuss the fourth question of William Lilly’s first example chart. Here you can find the previous questions 1 , 2 and 3. In this consultation,[…]
Read onWill he live long?
(Lilly’s chart example Nr. 1, part 1) William Lilly uses the first example chart on p. 135 of his book „Christian Astrology“, in order to answer six questions of his[…]
Read on(Lilly 2-1) Wird sie ihren Sohn zu Hause antreffen?
Wenn wir heute wissen wollen, wo eine bestimmte Person zu Hause ist, rufen wir Sie einfach an oder schicken eine Nachricht über whatsup. Vor 400 Jahren waren die Dinge etwas[…]
Read onTo which part of the world should he direct his life?
Lilly’s chart example Nr. 1 part 2 In this post I will analyze the second question which Lilly illustrates in his first example horary on p. 135. The querent wants[…]
Read on(Lilly 1-4) Welche zukünftigen Ereignisse liegen noch vor ihm und wann?
In diesem Post werde ich auf die vierte Frage in William Lilly’s erstem Beispielhoroskop eingehen. Die anderen drei Fragen können Sie hier 1, 2 und 3 finden. Lilly’s Klient will[…]
Read onWhich part of his life will be the best?
(Lilly’s chart example Nr. 1, part 3 This is the third part of my new post series on Lilly’s horary examples. In the other two examples I analyzed the first[…]
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