Many ancient goddesses are represented with what appears as horns or the symbol of the crescent. Usually they are described as a a lunar attribution and therefore as a symbol of the femmine.
But while the Moon can trine and oppose the Sun, Venus always sticks to her partner, which is why the Sun and Venus (and not the Moon!), do represent the celestial couple since the dawn of time. Horus and Hathor, Ra and Isis.
Indeed, at least in the case of the Egyptian Hathor, the horns do not represent the Moon, or just “a” bull.
While the horns are the sacred symbol of Venus they they do not refer, as some might guess, to Venus’ domicile, Taurus. They are rather an astronomical representation of her helical phases. Venus reaches a max. elongation of 48° east and 48° west of the Sun before she moves back to her celestial spouse.
These elongation points mark the tops of the “horns”. In the middle, just between the two extreme elongation points , we find the Sun to whom Venus is always bound.
The representation of Hathor in the image on the right (Dendera Temple) is encarved in the stone. This makes the figure more plastic, almost 3D, but the important point here is that during the day the globe will receive a shadow which will look like a crescent, or, rather horns.
Indeed, just as the Moon, Venus has a waxing and a waxing phase, too, and photographer Shahrin Ahmad of Kuala Lumpur was able to take amazing shots of what at a fist glance seems a New Moon. The photos are be seen here.
The symbolism of the horns has not completely been forgotten in our time, but rather been distorted and perverted, as it often happens with sacred female symbology. Today, if we type ” horned goddess” in our browser it will come up with information on wixxa, satanic cults or similar. This is partially due to one of the ancient names of Venus, which is Lucifer. Not as in Lucifer the devil, but as in Lucifer, the morning star:
When Venus is eastern from the Sun, she rises before him and is thus visible just before Sunrise, for about 2 hours time. This is why she was considered the bringer of light, lux, and thus called Lucifer or with the Greek expression Phosphorus.
But she is known by the name Venus Vespertine when she is west of the Sun and sets after the luminary, shining bright in the night sky. That is when she is the strongest.
However, while there are Sun-Venus conjunctions ever 584Â days, they are rarely perfect conjunctions. A perfect conjunction is the alignment of Venus and the Sun by declination and latitude.
These perfect unions only happen every 243 years.
Indeed, transits of Venus follow a peculiar pattern: there are two Venus transits over the Sun which are 8 years apart. These are followed by a period of 105.5 years with no exact agreement by latitude and declination. Basically, during this period, Venus is not perfectly aligned with the Sun but either a little above or below the luminary.
This 105. 5 years period is followed by two 8 years a part perfect Sun-Venus conjunctions and finally by a period of 121.5 years without perfect transits, which makes a total cycle of 243 years.
When Venus is perfectly aligned with the Sun by declination and latitude, she is CAZIMI, in other words, she is in the loving HEART of the Sun. A perfect symbolism of the divine couple. A match made in heaven.
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Yes quite right. Sadly immense nonsense is still being written about Lucifer=Satan, ‘fallen angels’ etc