I wrote this short analysis as part of a research project of aircraft disasters following my work on “traditional techniques to judge safety in modern travel charts” (to be published soon) and my studies of the disappeared Malaysia Air Flight 370 and the recent crash of Egypt Air 804 for which I am waiting for the final answer regarding reason of its crash in order to verify my hypothesis. This short article is not far as detailed as the others, as I used is just as a comparative example for one the four main causes of disaster: 1) Mechanical failure, 2) hijacking, 3) bomb, 4) suicide. The following example is one of the most famous cases of hijacking.
The Air India Flight 814 was en route from Kathmandu, Nepal to Delhi, India on Friday, 24 December 1999, when it was hijacked by Harkat-ul-Mujahideen, a Pakistan-based Islamic extremist group. Hijackers ordered the aircraft to be flown to several locations. After touching down in Amritsar, Lahore and Dubai, the hijackers finally forced the aircraft to land in Kandahar, Afghanistan, which at the time was controlled by the Taliban. The motive for the hijacking appears to have been to secure the release of Islamist figures held in prison in India. The hostage crisis lasted for seven days and ended after India agreed to release three militants. 17 persones have been injured, one has died. (wikipedia)
Scheduled departure is unknown but National Geocrafic[2] reports that the aircraft left the hangar at 4.pm. [3] I prefer using departure times as they already include, in my opinion, eventual delays or other issues related to the flight.
At Lilly’s times, airplanes did obviously not exist but ships were often threatend by pirates, who could either “just” took over controll, or worse kill the people on board. This is why in his famous textbook Christian Astrology he dedicates an entire chapter on a ship, and whatever are in her, her savety and destruction. In one paragraph he refers explicitly to pirates, a word which can be easly substituted by “hijackers”.
Lilly states on p. 159:
But if Mars afflicts the lord of the angles and dispositor of the Moon, the mariners will be in great fear of their enemies, or of pirates and searobbers, shall even tremble from fear of them; and if there also unto this evil configuration chance any other affliction in the signs, there will be happen among the the mariners blood shed, controversies , quarrelling one with another, thieving and robbing each other, purloining the goods of the ship. And this judement will will prove more certain if the unfortunate planets be in the signs, which fall to be in the division of the upper part of the ship, towards the heigh or top of her. [4]
In this example chart, both malefics are in the upper part of the chart. Mars is the malefic out of sect, afflicts the 10th house angle, and casts a sextile to Jupiter, ruler of the angular 7th house. Lilly does not mention that the nature of the angle ruler modifies the indicated danger. In this case, it is a benefic, which rules an angle, but the important point is only that the angle ruler is in aspect with Mars. Even though, if that was the only aspect, the situation might not have been that dangerous, more worrying is the fact that also Mercury, ruler of the 1st angle, forms an aspect with Mars, and that one is a hard aspect (square). As Mercury also rules the “passengers”[5], the square with Mars also shows the later bloodshed, as one passenger was stabbed and several others wounded.
Mars is the 9th house describes that that violence took place during travel or after take off. It is reported that the masquerated hijackers assalted the aircraft shortly after take off while the crew was just starting to serve tea.
Mars is square the ruler of the 12th house (hidden enmies, terror groups), and disposed by its ruler Saturn. The Moon is in her own signand has no other dispositor. She is afflicted by a trine to Saturn, who is particularly malefic because ruler of the 8th of death, peregrine, retrograde and in the house of hidden enemies.
Furthermore, Mars is in Aquarius, a human sign, showing the possible involvement of persons in a violent (Mars) act.
As we have seen, two of the four angle rulers are in aspect with Mars, one angle ruler is a bad positioned malefic and the Sun is trine afflicted Saturn, thus all angle rulers are in some way afflicted.
We also see the the terror and anguish of the passengers, described by the 1st house ruler Mercury, angular conjunct Pluto.
The Moon is conjunct (0°05’) Procyon, Procyon, in Canis Minor (The Small Dog), means “rising before the dog” – that is, before Sirius. Nature of Mercury and Mars. Changeable and unpredictable, Procyon can take people to great heights and bring them crashing down.[6]
Pluto is also conjunct a fix star, less known, but pretty desciptive: 0 48′ Rastaban (Alwaid, Cursa), “the dragon’s head,” also known as the ‘cloudy star in the dragon’s eye.’ An unfortunate star associated with crime, violence and accidents. Nature of Mars, Jupiter and Saturn.
The AC and the Moon describe the body of the aircraft[7]. If these two are afflicted, it signifies dammage to the aircraft. We find the Moon strong in her own sign, without contacts to either Mars or Saturn. In addition, 5°28’ Gemini (AC) is not afflicted which shows that the aircraft is in fine conditions and not crashed.
All these factors confirm Lilly’s doctrine on “pirates” and are still usefull in judging modern travel charts.
[1] Modified from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indian_Airlines_Flight_814
[2] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7mIUOZsrIUc
[3] The scheduled departure time must have been at least 15 minutes earlier, which brings Mars on the 10th house cusp.
[4] We have to immagine the ship/aircraft to be diveded horizontally in two part: the upper part (cockpit, cabin) is shown above in the chart, the lower part (carriage, etc.) is shown beneath the AC-DC axis.
[5] Lilly, p. 157
[6] Quote Janus Sofware
[7]Lilly, p. 157