[:de]In der Astrologie gibt es viele Punkte in einem Horoskop, denen eine besondere Bedeutung zugemessen wird und die auf präzise Art und Weise Planeten und deren Signifikate zusammenbringen, auch wenn[…]
Read onTag: Dorotheus
Traditional techniques for judging the safety of ships and their relevance to modern travel horaries
This article has previously been published in German by the Meridian Fachmagazin für Astrologie and in English by the Infinity Astrological Magazine. Until the invention of the telegraph and later[…]
Read onMatch point. An astrological study of Venus’ Williams house of siblings
[:en] There’s no way I would be at 23 without her, There’s no way I would be at one without her. There’s no way I would be anything without her.[…]
Read onOlivier Messiaen and his Holocaust music – A study of third house matters
[:en] Biography Olivier Messiaen was a French composer, organist, and ornithologist, one of the major composers of the 20th century. He was fascinated by bird songs and collected them worldwide[…]
Read onDorotheus’ Kids Count
[:en] In order to judge in a chart, if and how many children a person will have, Lilly advises to look first at the 5th , then the 11th and[…]
Read onDorotheus on fertile signs and the case of Aquarius
[:en] While in later traditional astrology there are three signs considered as “fertile” of fruitful, (Scorpio, Pisces and Cancer) and another three as barren (Gemini, Leo and Virgo), the Hellenistic[…]
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