Ayrton Senna was a famous Brazilian Formula One driver. He lost his life in a car accident. In this short article I will look at the Solar Return of the[…]
Read onTag: Vettius Valens
Antiscia- eine alte Technik neu entdeckt
[:de]In der Astrologie gibt es viele Punkte in einem Horoskop, denen eine besondere Bedeutung zugemessen wird und die auf präzise Art und Weise Planeten und deren Signifikate zusammenbringen, auch wenn[…]
Read onAntiscia- an ancient technique re-discovered
I am exited that my research on the antiscia- an ancient technique re-discovered (already published by the German Meridian and to be issued in the Sept/Oct. issue 2019 of the[…]
Read onAfflicted Sygyzy and Fortune as indicators of violent death according to Valens
Death has always been a controversial subject in religious, philosophical or astrological circles. It was common for astrologers of the past to deal with it and to make precise prognostications[…]
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