[:de]In der Astrologie gibt es viele Punkte in einem Horoskop, denen eine besondere Bedeutung zugemessen wird und die auf präzise Art und Weise Planeten und deren Signifikate zusammenbringen, auch wenn[…]
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In cospectu populi cumburantur* – Ana and the fire
Ever since I was a little girl I had been afraid of fire. It had never been a huge problem: I noticed it only when somebody asked me to light[…]
Read onLa Luna entra nell’ Acquario
[:it]La Luna entra nel segno dell’Acquario oggi, il 9/9/2019, alle 23.24. Dopo tanta arrampicata sui monti (Capricorno) ora si può ammirare il panorama. Nei prossimi giorni ci viene più facile[…]
Read onJean Dominque Bauby, a butterfly in the diving belt. About annual profection, solar revolution and circumambulation through the bounds
Bauby dictated his book A Butterfly in a diving belt in which he described the condition of his total paralysis only with the blinking of his left eye. This articles loooks at the annual profections and other timing techniques for the time he published his book.
Read onAntiscia- an ancient technique re-discovered
I am exited that my research on the antiscia- an ancient technique re-discovered (already published by the German Meridian and to be issued in the Sept/Oct. issue 2019 of the[…]
Read onLa Luna entra nella Vergine
[:it]Stanotte, il 30/ 8 alle 1:57 la Luna è entrata nel segno della Vergine e alle 12:37 c’è il Novilunio. Nessuna luce è visibile, il bioritmo è impostato per il[…]
Read onLa Luna entra nel Leone
[:it]La Luna entra nel segno del Leone oggi, il 28/7/2019 alle 1:53 CED e vi rimane fino al 29/8/2019 alle 9.37. Con la Luna nel Leone avviene un cambiamento brusco.[…]
Read onAfflicted Sygyzy and Fortune as indicators of violent death according to Valens
Death has always been a controversial subject in religious, philosophical or astrological circles. It was common for astrologers of the past to deal with it and to make precise prognostications[…]
Read onThe decumbiture – part 1
This article article has previously been published by the German Meridian (2012), the Italian Linguaggio Astrale (2013) and the English AA Journal (2018). The following is part one of two.[…]
Read onMale viz. Female – which impact has the sign gender ?
[:en] Among the first things we learn in astrology is the existence of male signs (Aries, Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius, Aquarius) and female signs (Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces). We[…]
Read onAlex Zanardi – stronger than his legs
[:en] This article has previously been published by the IAM Infinity Astrological Magazine in 2018. Alex Zanardi is a famous Italian athlete. His bios is an amazing list of success,[…]
Read onThe burning Paradise – working with a dirty data foundation chart
[:en]The Camp Fire destroyed the town of Paradise on Nov. 8th, 2018. After more than two weeks, the fires are still burning. This is the transit chart for the moment[…]
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