[:en]The inauguration of Naples’ most famous train occurred on June 6, 1880, at 7 p.m. The strange vehicle was called funicolare and was actually a worldwide sensation. The little wagon was designed to carry passengers up to the top of an active volcano: the famous Vesuvius, the one that destroyed Pompei in 79 AD.
The funicular was active from 1880 to 1906 when the station and the wagon, together with the nearby villages got destroyed by a huge volcanic eruption in 1906, the second last one, only followed by a much smaller one in 1944.
In the inauguration chart we find the water sign Scorpio rising, which is not surprising considering that the first funicular had a steam engine. The ruler of the 1st house is Mars is in fiery Leo: we are talking about hot steam. Mars is in the 9th quadrant house of travel and tourists; indeed, the funicular was a major tourist attraction of its time. We can also consider Mars in the 10th WSH, which is less promising, since Mars is the malefic out of sect.
The most elevated point in the chart, which describes in this case the top of the volcano, is in Leo, it cannot get any hotter. The Sun is in the 8th house (by quadrant and WSH) of death and metamorphosis and in a mutable sign. Indeed, the volcano was active and able to change its dormient state at any time.
In charts of any kind of vehicles, we always look at the AC and the Moon for the vehicle itself and the AC ruler for the passengers.
When the Mount of fire became active, the funicular was 25 years old. The profected AC had reached the second house in Sagittarius and Jupiter was the Lord of the year. While he is in the 5th quadrant house, he brings pleasure to the tourists, but he is also in the 6th house by WSH. He is hot and in the exaltation of the fire mountain, Sun.
Now have a look at the transit chart of the destruction of Naples’s funicular.
The Lord of the year is in the 8th house of the radical chart. The transiting ruler of the 8th house, Mercury, is conjunct the Lord of the Year in the radical chart. Transiting Mars opposes his own domicile from Libra and thus threatens the small train. The transit Moon opposes Jupiter and transiting Mars squares the nodes. Who wants to, can also consider transiting Pluto conjunct the 8th house ruler.
Have you ever listened to the famous song on the Funicular? One of Naples’ most famous songs, actually!
Here is a nice traditional version.
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