[:de] Viele kennen die Artischocken nur als „Artischockenherzen aus dem Glas (oder auf ihrer Pizza) oder als eigentümliche Delikatesse italienischer Restaurants.. Artischocken gehören zu den Diestelpflanzen und sind im Mittelmeer[…]
Read onCategory: Articles
Astrological analysis of Hillary Clintons acceptance speech
[:en]Hillary Clinton has officially been nominated the Democratic presidential candidate on July 23rd, 2016. She accepted her nomination on July 28th , 2016 at 10. 47 EDT. The chart shown[…]
Read onAstrological analysis of Trump’s acceptance speech
[:en] Donald Trump was officially nominated candidate for the presidential elections running for the Republican party on July 19th, 2016. He accepted this nomination three days later on July 21nd,[…]
Read onDorotheus’ Kids Count
[:en] In order to judge in a chart, if and how many children a person will have, Lilly advises to look first at the 5th , then the 11th and[…]
Read onDiario di una viaggiatrice: La Luna in Sagittario
[:it] Con la Luna crescente in Sagittario si torna in un segno di fuoco. L’immagine del Segno è una figura per metà cavallo per metà uomo. Come suggerisce l’immagine, questo[…]
Read onHow does your Mercury think?
[:en] The kind of intelligence of a native is shown by the relationship between Mercury and Moon. The first describes rational thinking, the latter intuitive knowledge, and instinctual reactions. The[…]
Read onDiary of a traveler – Moon in Scorpio
[:en] Today the Moon enters the water sign Scorpio. It is not the fresh, sparkling water of Cancer but that’s what you might find in the saucer of your flower[…]
Read onDorotheus on fertile signs and the case of Aquarius
[:en] While in later traditional astrology there are three signs considered as “fertile” of fruitful, (Scorpio, Pisces and Cancer) and another three as barren (Gemini, Leo and Virgo), the Hellenistic[…]
Read onReisetagebuch: Mond in der Waage
[:de] Nach den letzten Tagen im Element Erde wird es heute um 10.32 luftig. Die Waage bildet zusammen mit Wassermann und den Zwillingen die Lufttriplizität. Und so wie die Luft[…]
Read onOrlando massacre- 50 deads
[:en]At 2.02 a man entered the Pulse night club in Orlando (Florida) armed with an automatic rifle and a handgun and took all the guest hostages. 50 were killed, many[…]
Read onBruxelles twin bombs
[:en]On March 22th 2016, shortly before 8.00 o’clock in the morning, two suicide bombers have attacked Bruxelles airport Zavetem by blowing themselfs up close to a check in gate. Around[…]
Read onDie Ptolemaische Würdentafel: Die Grenzen
[:de] Vor kurzem ist im Meridian mein neuer Artikel Die Ptolemaische Wuerdentafel unter der Lupe: Die Grenzen erschienen und kann von dort als .pdf runtergeladen werden. Bisher war unklar, warum[…]
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