[:de] Heute, am 16.3. 2018, ist Thomas N., der Mörder von Rupperswil zu lebenslänglicher Haft mit Sicherheitsverwahrung verurteilt worden. Er hatte am 21.12.2015 einen ihm völlig unbekannten 13 jährigen Jungen[…]
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Die planetarische Sekte bzw. Sektion
[:de]In der klassischen Astrologie hat die Sekte eine ausschlagende Bedeutung. Sie unterscheidet grundsätzlich, ob ein Mensch bei Tag oder bei Nacht auf die Welt gekommen ist. Bei einer Nachtgeburt befindet[…]
Read onDer Saturningress in Steinbock – eine Zeitreise durch 200 Jahre deutscher Geschichte
[:de]Saturn ist am 20. Dezember 2017 in das Zeichen Steinbock gewechselt. Da der Planet sich in jedem Zeichen ca. 2,5 Jahre aufhält, scheint dieser Ingress auf den ersten Blick nichts[…]
Read onTraditional techniques for judging the safety of ships and their relevance to modern travel horaries
This article has previously been published in German by the Meridian Fachmagazin für Astrologie and in English by the Infinity Astrological Magazine. Until the invention of the telegraph and later[…]
Read onThe Ptolemaic bounds – numbers revealed
This article reveals the the rational behind the numbers of what we know today as the Ptolemaic bounds.
Read onGalen’s theory of the four humors
This is the translation of an older article of mine, which was first published in German by the Meridian, Fachzeitschrift fuer Astrologie in 2012. Claudius or Aelius Galenus was[…]
Read onThe volcanic field accident
[:en]What happend On September 12th, 2017 at 12.07 a.m. an ambulance was called to a place closet o Naples known as “Solfatara”,which means Sulphurian. An 11 years old boy had[…]
Read onMatch point. An astrological study of Venus’ Williams house of siblings
[:en] There’s no way I would be at 23 without her, There’s no way I would be at one without her. There’s no way I would be anything without her.[…]
Read onFrida Kahlo – The day of her fatal accident
[:en] Frida Kahlo was one of the most famous Mexican painters of the 20th Century and among the first women ever to have a single exposition. Her life and her[…]
Read onBorussia Dortmund unter Attacke
[:de] Am Dienstag, den 11. April explodierten gegen 19.15 drei Bomben in der Naehe des Mannschaftbusses der Borussia Dortmund, die auf ihrem Weg zum Stadium war. Während die Polizei die[…]
Read onBorussia Dortmund team bus attack
[:en]On Tuesday, April 11th, 2017, three bombs exploded near to the team bus of the Borussia Dortmund soccer team. Fortunately, while the police describes the bombs as “professionally fabricated”, nobody[…]
Read onOlivier Messiaen and his Holocaust music – A study of third house matters
[:en] Biography Olivier Messiaen was a French composer, organist, and ornithologist, one of the major composers of the 20th century. He was fascinated by bird songs and collected them worldwide[…]
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